
Wayne ‘s weather in the USA

With temperatures due to plummet today, some of us are looking forward to the prospect of a rarely-experienced smattering of snow at our HQ here in Hampshire. However, for one member of our team, they are already experiencing these conditions.

Wayne’s weather in the USA has been cold and snowy since he arrived at the beginning of the week. Getting around the city of Alexandria, just outside of Washington, whilst the snow starts to melt has been a learning curve for Wayne, who is unfamiliar with these conditions on a day to day basis. However, he’s been able to keep his appointments, with more to attend over the next few days of the remainder of his current stay there.

But of course, there is always room to squeeze a few more meetings in, so if you have a requirement for control room furniture in and around the Washington area, or indeed further afield in the US, you can now give him a call locally, on +1 (202) 909-0022.