We offer the option of electric height adjustment on consoles using actuators, for a smooth and simple operation. Our solution not only conforms to DDA regulations but allows healthy routines for sit-stand working practices.

Height Adjustable Consoles Datasheet

height adjustment close up image

How it works

Every height adjustable console can be raised and lowered at a touch of a button, with pre-set memory positions too. Controls can also be via bluetooth, allowing you to remotely control your desk height.

height adjustment render example

Why height adjustable consoles?

Height adjustable consoles not only allow the operator the chance to alter the height for their own comfort, they can also practice sit-stand working, where studies have shown the benefits to health are :-

  • Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes
  • Improving moods
  • Reduces stress
  • Improving alertness
  • Reduces muscle tension and fatigue
  • Improving reach area so less likely to overstretch and cause injury
  • Strengthening core muscles
Download Guide

console design options


Standalone (island) desks with single worktop height adjustment

Option 2 - dual worktop tier consoles

Standalone (island) desks with twin worktop height adjustment. It is recommended that these worktops are linked to the same controller so they are synchronised in their movement, but they can be independent.

Option 3 - standalone consoles

Multi-operator consoles offering individual height adjustment

Option 4 - multi-position consoles

Large height adjustable desks


Cable Management

Cable management is taken care of too, with caterpillar tracks which take all cabling from the cable baskets and up to the desk surface safely.

This ensures cables are not put under any stresses and avoids entanglement, which could damage the cables and deem them unsafe.

Find out more

Height Adjustable Console Examples


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