Case Study Stockport Homes Group Control Room
When Stockport Council recently reviewed their public space CCTV control facilities it become obvious that they required modernisation and upgrading to meet current demands. Following the review, the obvious choice was to look at merging with the existing SHG control room based at their head office in Cornerstone. Reflex Systems were provided with an overview of the Clients requirements and tasked with developing this into a full system design to ensure that the project objectives were satisfied as well as providing the necessary infrastructure for future expansion and camera upgrades.
In a true partnership approach Reflex were tasked with fully upgrading the existing control room at Cornerstone to accommodate the additional public space CCTV operations and staff members. The existing public space control room was to be decommissioned and all existing systems migrated and seamlessly integrated into the new upgraded facility at Cornerstone.
Stockport Homes Group (SHG) are responsible for the management of the housing stock owned by Stockport Council. Formed in 2005 they operate as an ALMO so whilst the company is owned by Stockport Council, they operate independently in delivering services to their customers. SHG are Stockport’s largest landlord, managing over 12,000 properties as well as growing their own portfolio of new build properties and as an umbrella organisation the Group also encompasses Viaduct Housing, Three Sixty and Skylight.
Thinking Space supported Reflex Systems for the design and build of the control room furniture for the project. As always, the design was key to the final solution, ensuring all stakeholders’ operational considerations had been factored in. The new control room is blessed with space that allowed a modern and comfortable layout to be created. The Thinking Space printed panel system helped bring corporate identity into the room as well as tying in with the overall colour scheme.
The control room itself also benefitted from a full re-design and upgrade in conjunction with Thinking Space and benefitted from a new fourteen screen free standing monitor wall as well as three new consoles, one of which is fully height adjustable, to accommodate a total of six operators at any one time. Perhaps one of the greatest and most complex obstacles was integrating the numerous third-party CCTV and alarm monitoring systems into the new control room which was successfully achieved through detailed design, planning and working with other key stakeholders such as SHG’s operational staff, project management, IT services and other third parties.
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